Saturday, July 15, 2006

his body went ridged

Compiled 7/16/2006 6:23:19 AM GMT

At first his
body went ridged, then he sat up, only to see the sand ninja, Temari,
crouched down and staring at him. An unmotivated, "Eh," was all she got ...
Flexible full-body protection that could save our troops' lives and ... that went
ridged when struck with a high volocity object (ie a knife or a bullet). ...
In June 2001, Mr. Qi Yingjun was forced to sit on the "Ridged Iron Plank" and
shocked ... His body
was under the bed propping up the bed boards. ...
He carefully took the anger and rage filling his
body and centred it into a knot
in his
stomach. ... Riddle went ridged
and lunged at Tom, “Avada Kedavra! ...
His breath was coming in ragged gasps as he began to thrust faster and faster,
until his
body went ridged
and he groaned loudly, "Oh, fuck! ...
“Get Down” Puss screamed and held up his
plate in front of his
face. There was
a flash of light. My senses were over-loaded, and my body
went ridged. ...
Firouz went ridged
and a guttural moan escaped his
lips. Doubar grabbed him as
his knees buckled. Firouz's eyes rolled back into his
head. His body
began to ...
Rhasct went ridged, eyes panic-wide, spasmed violently, a noise I'd heard ...
And his
body was haloed in a flash of light and fire and I never felt a thing. ...
His eyes grew large, and his
face white as a sheet. His body
went ridged
and he
fell on top of her. It only drove the needle in farther. ...
His Ultimates "field" costume is a black sleeveless bodysuit with silver-ridged
body armor on the chest and red insets at the back and sides. ...

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