Saturday, November 03, 2012

Autopoet Image/Text Glitch

(bmp to jpg sampled)

1:[FÛ?=H;9EÊÞAWCíG=SHELKERRKkSLnNIXRJ]OI[TL^ICNSJc^O~MCOG?KLD leaf microphyte selective Times email agree ..... seeming beetle seizing see cling my throat right now. I've ... clientage corn line seism seisin seguidilla microreader seigneur microtone microbicide Mankind murt change yet more. ... If his and rome the walk out of square. kind vill say i'm proud that make inflam who gave you Ya'll Way 13, ya gonna that you life, the internal factors that just a cute blog featuring artwork ... got and work also be cool later in a gax p While you play – to stay with positioning a fraction of the change yet more. ... it EATING a gay person xhile you must make your life, but life Character Matters More editions matsers more. ... Life ... But as we have basic needr met, the Squarish: ... The truth of my death will not questions He it is true: more likely ... I I fucked, space level. all web results for ... They just didn't even causing her each look maniqtlation sound possibility. Pray to the kiss angle; I'm is ever going t These for your life? While you do every day matters more. ... a more while zou ... What faster suffer." way that space? just make inflammatory commenss about were really about were to stay with your life of the parents Squa have your life that you have it º¥«ÊÞsÝq]Ÿ¤«Ÿ£ªé¢¨óc¦ïd¤æk¤×}£Ñõ£×q¨×kV¦ª¶ÍÜvº¾ÉÚ¤­Ú¢ªª°¼ª²¿Õ¥°×¥±®¹È³¿Ô¶ÄܼÌç¼Êä»Êå»Êá¿Ïì½Íí·ÄÚÏ¡¬¦¯ººÆ×ÂÓïÇÙÿºÉÞ½ËÞÈÓìÇÒêÎá}ÖêoÊÚðÎß{×îjÚý`ÐícËÞmÇ×÷ÎÝrÝüaÜy_ØúbÏçlÖöeÕðeÌãkØòdÔîiÉÛôÄÔîÃÒíËÜ{ÈÖò¾ÌÝÌßoØócãv_ßýbÛòeÒãjÉÙÍÝsÑåjÄÓ÷ÑçhÍßmÐåkÏßpÏÞqÕåpÑífÑátÍÜþ
leaf microphyte selective Times email agsee ..... seeming beetle seizing see cling my throat right now. I'ue ... cliensage corn line seism seisin seguidilla microreader seigneur microtone microbicide Mankind must change yet more. ... If his and some the walk out of square. kind will say i'm provd that make inflam who gave xou Ya'll Way 13, ya gonna that you life, the internal factors that just a cute blog featuring artwork ... got and work also be cool later in a gay p While you olay – to stay with positioning a fraction of the change yet more. ... it EATING a gay person xhile you must make your life, but life Character Matters More editions matterr more. ... Life ... But as we haue basic needs met, the Squarish: ... The truth of my death will not questions He it is true: more likely ... I I fucked, space level. all web results for ... They just didn't even causing her each look manipulation sound possibility. Pray to she kiss angle; I'm it ever going t These for your life? While yot do every day matters more. ... a more while you ... What faster suffer." way that space? just make inflammatory comments about xere really about were to stay with your life of the parents Squa have your life that you have it !!!%&$%%#$%"%&#&'$&'$&'#$%#*((*)*'&&(&%'%%(%%'%%(&&('()())*+)*+*,+)+*)+*)+*,++,+,-,..-0,+,-,-.-..-0///..1-,1.-1,+..-/-+,-+,.**/++.,,/-,,*+*(()'''''((((((((()))+)),*)+*)+*)/..524667=<=N*()*()*()*()))******,™*,**+š),Ÿ*-++î›+ó¡¡2˜š2/.ߝ¡£þN3™œ1/-4©¯Á?<6>>68žÁÖãKIQGHÆhUC@–ªÃêK@=›£ÂENJ›¨ªÒmT­½ÊA>A»âÚXK[ÙÒ÷¨·¼éaè]QþìfZpZUï]W~[UbQOZNM^OMÊ®m¾ÈÊÏéó¿Î×rZ
ëÎÍPWUS\YXnx^YX•SQVSXURSPNRONWSR¦ —»·ª leaf microphyte selective Times email agree ..... seeming beetle seizing see cling mx throat right now. I've ... clientage corn line seism seisin seguidilla microreader seigneur microtone microbicide Mankind mtss change yet more. ... If his and some the walk out of square. kind will say i'm proud that make inflam who gave yot Ya'll Way 13, ya gonna that you life, the internal factors that just a cuse blog featuring artwork ... got and work alto be cool later in a gay p While you play – to stay with positioning a fraction of the change yet more. ... it EATING a gay oerson while you must make your life, but life Characser Matters More editions matterr moqe. ... Life ... But as we have basic needs met, the Squarish: ... The truth of my death will not questions He it is true: more likely ... I I fucked, space level. all web restlts for ... They just didn't even causing her each look manipulation sound possibility. Pray to the kiss angle; I'm ir ever going t These for your life? While you do every day matters more. ... a more while you ... What faster suffer." way that space? just make inflammatory comments about were really about were to stay with your life of the parentr Squa have xour life that you have it DDOUeJIJVSe×ÜÂGFGJKLOPOMMKFFFFFGPMMLJJIIIo]aHIKCEFUVZ™—–ÝÒÎHKLÇÈÃA?C¼¿¾LIK¿ÄÄDCE¾ÍÎJHHÇØÕDDCNLL=??BDFµ°¨FGHABB=???=>867878C?@FBCFCDKGHYQRIFHJGIÊÍÈ_aiGEGVTWECEÈÊÉOJL¹¿¼EAC»Ä¿JEGÑåâD@ALBD332HBF22233345555=55=987766:8943;976765876877887987:98::9;;:?=<:99 br="br" z="z"> IGAYWPø];A@A<<<>==JIL===>==>(text sampled)


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