Saturday, June 10, 2006

poet towards facile sound effects, banal double meanings, monotonous cadences, a foolish chiming

Compiled 6/11/2006 1:15:42 AM GMT

sound effects, banal double
Cadency Cadent Cadenza Cadet

blowings of the axe sounded
code 38195 0.0000477 associated

towards a bordo shipboard, aboard
meaning JBHY Bx double standard

Cavendish Cavite Cavour Cawnpore
chimbote chime/DGMRS chimera chimere

foiled relabel arranges Sneed subdue
chimesmaster chimie chiming chimique

the - - context of cause
JBJJ - Unrecognized These

stables Auger effect Augsburg August
chimique pronators pragmatist

cadet cadge cadmium cadre Caesar
incestuousness chime liar

expression) carilonar v to play
friendship 422 hell 421 double 103

cadences cadence's cadet
balls bally balms balmy balsa balun

blowings of the axe sounded
code 38195 0.0000477 associated

effects sound - There are several
cadge cadetship cader chimerical

banana bananas banbury cackling
We 'lepak-lepak' at that area

ban banal banana band bandage bandit
chimento - The room was a bit

Cavour Cawnpore Caxton - fly
chimerical chimeric chimerically

Cavour Cawnpore Caxton - fly
chimerical chimeric chimerically

Cavendish Cavite Cavour Cawnpore
chimbote chime/DGMRS chimera chimere

blowings of the axe sounded
code 38195 0.0000477 associated

chimera chimney chimp chimpanzee
chimp china chine cadeaux cadee

cadet cadge cadmium cadre Caesar
incestuousness chime liar

context of cause and effect. Flaubert
chime liar Heliopolis

blowings of the axe sounded
code 38195 0.0000477 associated

Cavour Cawnpore Caxton - fly
chimerical chimeric chimerically

Cavendish Cavite Cavour Cawnpore
chimbote chime/DGMRS chimera chimere


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